Dear all,
Friends from yesterday, today, or tomorrow,
Wishing for more and better at the heart of everything that contributes to making life beautiful…
these are my wishes for you on the eve of the upcoming holidays,
at the dawn of a New Year that already carries the seed of numerous beautiful and necessary changes that each of us must bring to fruition!
As we approach the end of a year 2020 that we will all remember,
as it shifted many of our priorities,
disrupted our certainties,
eroded our confidence in the face of the tidal wave, both official and unofficial discourses of all kinds,
as well as the analyses and predictions of recognized or self-proclaimed scientists and experts,
exacerbated existing flaws in our Western societies in crisis
– socio-economic precarities, psychological vulnerabilities –
and also pricked our consciences
… it is more than ever time to take a PAUSE
by being fully in the HERE and NOW
in the mindfulness that alone allows lucidity and dispels the fear of tomorrow
by aligning ourselves with the powerful teaching of Eckhart Tolle in the
“The Power of Now”
carried by the creative energy that surrounds us!
Wishing for MORE or BETTER after COVID-19? My newsletter from last spring, by posing the question of an impossible choice, highlighted the paradigm shift that we have been experiencing rapidly since the beginning of this pandemic and the importance of a “conversion” for each of us to
MORE coherence between BEING and DOING
MORE sustainability
MORE solidarity
MORE socially responsible
MORE and BETTER are no longer antagonistic but are conjugated both in the present and in the future to
BETTER thinking
BETTER acting

Take a few precious minutes to listen, or re-listen, to this inspired and inspiring TED Talk by writer Emily Esfahani Smith! Or how to move forward in life by prioritizing the search for meaning and a greater presence with oneself and others, rather than the frenzied pursuit of happiness that has become almost obsessive in our Western culture.
This is the recipe for true fulfillment and personal accomplishment.
And it’s a beautiful message at this blessed time of the year when Jews and Christians turn to the Light in the quiet nights of December!
Hanukkah and Christmas are here to remind us of the importance of sharing, the joy of giving and receiving, and above all, the beauty of Giving, the Gift of oneself!
OF MORE and BETTER … to anchor more deeply meaning and mindfulness in our daily lives, as wonderfully summarized by Sister Emmanuelle, “The Ragpicker of Cairo” (1908-2008), when she wrote:
For each and every one of you, my warm wishes for a Merry Christmas in the Light!

I want to salute the wonderful and creative initiative of my friends from the Ladies’ Lunch Lausanne Committee on the occasion of the autumn lunch!
It’s not too late to discover it !
… not too late to treat yourself to a gourmet moment at the Lausanne Palace, the oldest and most loyal sponsor of the LLL for 30 years!
… not too late to support the Boulimie Anorexie ABA Association, which has been doing admirable work for years in Romandy, Switzerland.
… not too late to think about the LLL Solidarity Fund, which helps offset potential decreases in sponsorships and donations, and provides emergency assistance in exceptional cases. We all know how challenging the times ahead will be for both donors and beneficiaries! It is in moments like these that solidarity takes on its full meaning.

WIZO is 100 years old!
WIZO is a charitable organization for women that I have been supporting for years, created in 1920 by Lady Rebecca Sieff and her visionary friends.
Apolitical, it works for women and children in Israel, without any discrimination of origin and religion.
It is now the main social partner of the State of Israel in the field of early childhood, education, and the status of women.
52 Federations worldwide ensure a global network and the continuity of its action.
In these times of pandemic, the most vulnerable are, of course, even more impacted and precarious.
WIZO stands by them to cover their needs and anticipate crises. Violence against women is critical.
It is for this reason that a new emergency center for women and children (the 3rd in the country) has recently been opened. WIZO welcomes them with their children to provide them with shelter, comfort, and a future.
In these very difficult times, we need your support even more!
On the occasion of the year-end holidays, we have organized a Virtual Gift Market. You can make your purchases safely and at the same time support our cause! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

I am pleased to highlight my dear friend Philippe Ungar, a French writer, philosopher, and journalist, and sound archivist, living in New York. Philippe created SOUNDS LIKE PORTRAITS three years ago, a weekly podcast dedicated to creativity in all fields.**
The interview he conducted with me last year, with beautiful and profound listening, allowed me to express my “inner creative springs.” (Click here to listen to the portrait.)
Listening to his weekly podcasts, which are available for free subscription, is a real joy!
Philippe makes himself available to individuals and businesses who wish to create podcasts that reveal talents as diverse as human nature can be.

How not to end on a personal note, in connection with the DNA of my paternal family!
I can’t resist sharing with you an article that was recently written by Olivier Grivat in BILAN, which briefly outlines the history of BOBST, a global leader in the cardboard industry.
An enterprise today pioneering innovation, sustainability, and global social responsibility, of which all Swiss people can be proud!
- Category: Festive Greetings