MuMode (2016-2019)

” Make immense dreams – that way, you will not
lose sight of them when you let yourself loose in their pursuit.”
William Faulkner
The dream and the ambition of MuMode: to become an unmissable reference for Swiss culture as part of Lausanne’s Museum Center!
MuMode Flyer
A flagship exhibition celebrating the 35 years of MuMode was held at the Castle of Yverdon, showcasing some of its most iconic elements (link to the exhibition flyer) !
The ambition of MuMode – the Swiss Fashion Museum – is to create a dynamic laboratory of ideas where can be held historical reconstruction workshops as well as conferences and exhibitions from young and established designers alike… all in the near future!
We continue to work actively to lead the MuMode towards the fulfillment of its dream and its ambition to create a Foundation, and to finally find the walls which will permanently showcase and preserve its collections.
I will share with you an excerpt of my address to the guests of the Gala Evening of November 30th 2017, celebrating the 35 years of MuMode under the High Patronage of Mr. Hubert de Givenchy:
William Faulkner has beautifully written:
“Let your dreams be immense so you do not lose sight of them while in their pursuit. “
At the genesis of every dream there is a project in hiding ! At the origin of any project bearer of dreams exists in germ an intuition and a vision of what it might look like… And the realization of a project, as attractive as it may be, could one day become reality
… as long as it rests on solid foundations
… for as much as good people adhere to it !
… and as long as the time has come !
Giving perennial walls to this exceptional collection that represents the MuMode is an enormous dream, which is in the process of taking life!
This ambitious project, to provide it with the historic anchorage it deserves, in the city of Yverdon and within the French-speaking Swiss museum landscape,
This project that we are carrying out because it is just and necessary is taking shape, thanks to all of you this evening, on the occasion of this magnificent 35th anniversary celebration, because the time has come!
Dear friends, who honor us with your presence this evening, dear friends of the Patronage Committee, your trust touches us and makes us glad!
You bring us all the proof that our project is encouraged and celebrated!
While the 30th of November 2017 will remain a landmark in its history, the MuMode will still need all your support in the future to follow the ambitious road it has traced.
A major milestone to ensure its sustainability, FRIENDS of MuMode are born this evening thanks to you and your commitment by our side !
What a wonderful sign of encouragement !
The auction which will take place in a few moments will again appeal to your generosity !
It is all these donations, all YOUR donations which will allow us to work for the creation of a Foundation, a necessary step for our museum to shine one day at the side of the museums that are now the reputation of our Canton and pride of the Romands !
All our gratitude for their unwavering and very generous support goes to our main Partners, the City of Yverdon-les-Bains and Banque Piguet Galland !
A special thank you to you, Mr. Jean-Daniel Carrard, Syndic of Yverdon -les- Bains!
A special tribute to you two, dear Olivier Calloud, CEO of the bank, and dear Francine Khayata, Director of the Yverdon branch, for your exemplary and longstanding commitment to MuMode!!!
I would like to finally thank with emotion the friends in my Committee who have worked with energy, enthusiasm and creativity for these 35 years to become a milestone of a history that we continue to write together!
THANK YOU to all for the warm welcome that you will now give to the auction conducted by our friend Bernard Piguet , “Captain” of the Piguet Auction House,
great-nephew of the great couturier from Yverdon Robert Piguet who went settled in Paris, and is whose workshops were trained a certain Christian Dior and Hubert de Givenchy!
Thank you for making yours, this evening, this wish so wonderfully put into words by William Faulkner…
To “dream, all together and around Mu Mode, this immense dream of creating a case that matches the grandeur of the jewel, and to never lose this dream’s sight whilst in its pursuit! »!!!
DB – November 30th, 2017 ”