Tiffany Circle – Red Cross
Our Tiffany Circle Switzerland, which I co-founded in close collaboration with the Swiss Red Cross, and whose mission and concrete commitments in Syria and here in Switzerland you will discover below, would like to welcome new members to expand its action!
The work we’ve been doing in Syria for the past two years can be described as follows:
“This project aims to provide essential resources to help women in the rural region of Deir Ezzor to rebuild their livelihoods and revitalise their economic contribution, particularly in the dairy production sector in their local communities.
Today, 100 women are receiving direct financial assistance (a sum of 3,604,000 Syrian pounds, equivalent to around 740 Swiss francs) to reactivate their dairy farming activities. This initiative aims to revitalise a key sector of the local economy, while strengthening the economic resilience of female-headed households.
The impact is doubled by the fact that these women have been able to regain their economic independence and their active role in society, and it has also stimulated local milk production, thereby helping to improve food security and the local economy”.
As for the Swiss project, here it is in a few words:
At Swiss level, our project is to develop legal support to enable migrants to reunite with relatives from whom they may have become separated during their migration. In the context of war, forced exile, migration or family conflicts, members of the same family may be separated for various reasons. The Tracing Service of the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) plays an essential role in accompanying and supporting individuals in their quest to find their loved ones”.
The following short video presents our actions in the field in a very moving way:
Swiss Red Cross – Health, integration, rescue – we bring together many services under one roof.
The Swiss Red Cross is Switzerland’s first and oldest humanitarian organisation. Through our commitment in the fields of health, integration and rescue, we work for people in distress. We are present throughout Switzerland, with 24 cantonal associations, four rescue organisations, Transfusion CRS Switzerland, the CRS Humanitarian Foundation and CRS headquarters in some thirty other countries.

Tiffany Circle – an international network of women working to set up humanitarian projects
The Tiffany Circle, acting on behalf of the Red Cross, is a network of women who have been working together over the years to support humanitarian aid projects on a national and international scale. The Tiffany Circle Switzerland (TCS) has just been set up, having existed in the USA since 2006, followed by Canada, the UK, Australia and the Netherlands.
To launch and support this wonderful initiative, we were able to count on the support of 2 founding members, Dania Samawi and Dominique Brustlein-Bobst, without whom this circle would not have been possible.
Driven by the values of benevolence, generosity, compassion and dedication, Dominique is convinced that commitment and empathy on the part of everyone have become a human, ethical, social and global necessity. It is truly a commitment to the “Cause of the World” that gives all its nobility to our condition of Human Being! After meeting some wonderful people, she accepted the role of Founding Member of the Tiffany Circle Switzerland. Her commitment as a woman to other disadvantaged women in Switzerland and abroad is particularly close to her heart, and she hopes to be able to contribute her experience and her network to help make their lives better.
As part of our international commitment, the TCS has made it its mission to provide help and support to vulnerable women in Syria. A country where the scars of war are still so fresh. A country where there is so much to rebuild. Buying back livestock, relaunching family farms, coaching women to create their own dairy products and sell them, enabling these communities to become self-sufficient once again – these are the aims of the Tiffany Circle Switzerland’s commitment.

At the same time, at a Swiss level, our project is to develop legal support to enable migrants to reunite with loved ones from whom they may have become separated during their migration.
Tiffany Circle is a network for and supported by women for whom giving is more than just a donation. If you would like to find out more about how we work, please contact us or visit our website:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me,
Geneviève Bovet
Tiffany Circle Manager
Swiss Red Cross